We offer two performing arts degrees, one in dance and the other in theater. The two programs share common subjects in performing and visual arts, music and creativity. With National Artist for Dance Alice Reyes as our director of an Artists’ Residency Program, all performing arts students are privileged to learn and to perform with Filipino professional artists.

Bachelor of Arts in Buddhist Studies
* to transition to Bachelor in Human Services
As a Buddhist-affiliated college, we started with a program in Buddhist Studies, recognizing that Buddhism, as a 2500 year old religion and philosophy, offers a wealth of knowledge and skills. We are transitioning the program to Human Services, which will allow more practical applications of Buddhist Studies, integrated with psychology, social work, sociology and other related fields, geared towards improving the well-being of individuals, families and communities.

The Dance Program offers a holistic program designed to produce dance artists trained in techniques in several genres of dance, with strong foundations on ballet and contemporary dance. Complementary to embodied training is the grounding practice with theories that allow imaginative and unique ways of dancing and choreographing the body and space. Co-curricular activities allow students to practice their craft with professionals and explore different facets of artistic production.

The Theater Program offers comprehensive training in theater, from acting to the production of theater props and costumes to stagecraft to semiotics and playwriting to pedagogy – focusing on the training of the students as artists, creators, and community builders. Our definition of the scope of theater includes film, television, and the moving arts. Students tackle Philippine, Asian, and international plays, probing into important issues of dramaturgy and cultural sensitivity. The faculty includes experts in innovative and transformational theater.

Bachelor of Performing Arts – Music Theater Track provides a holistic education that transforms students into globally competitive 21st century artist-performers who perform local and international musicals of various genres. In response to the rise of locally produced Musical Theater productions, students under the Music Theater Track will be given individual vocal training, as well as intensive classes in dance, acting, and stage management. With high value for praxis, students are provided with opportunities to practice and demonstrate their theoretical knowledge in classroom, college performances, and even in professional productions.

Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sports Sciences
Major in Fitness and Sports Coaching Program
The Sports Program offers training for competency in science-based sports, in particular basketball and track and field. Foundational human kinetics courses include anatomy, physiology, nutrition and psychology. Students are then able to choose from among different strands, from sports coaching to the teaching of physical education, from gym management to exercise and fitness programs, and recreational sports. Students are exposed to competitive sports throughout their stay in college, and since the start of the Sports Science Program, our varsity teams have excelled and won in many league competitions, both here and overseas.
Development Programs

Performing Arts Laboratories
The GMC Performing Arts Laboratories provide professional and pre- professional training, creation and performance opportunities to the GMC community of artists and scholars. Under the offered performing arts programs of the Office of Academic Affairs, GMC PALs shall facilitate and manage all productions and activities to complement and supplement the curricula. It provides curricular and co-curricular support for the students’ learning through practice of their arts.
A leading, dynamic and sustainable home for training, creation, and scholarship through the art of performance that celebrates humanity’s oneness in its diversity.
Its main objectives are:
•To nurture talent in the Performing Arts by establishing GMC as a dynamic creative hub.
•To promote humane, ethical, and collaborative culture through Performing Arts.




Guang Ming Theatre Ensemble




The Sports Development Program unit supports the college’s vision and mission of cultivating the innate talents of sports-inclined students, grounded on the principles and practices of Humanistic Buddhism and Life Education, relevant and applicable to various aspects of society and thus making a difference in the student-athletes’ professional and personal lives.

Men's basketball team

athletics team

pep squad

The Artists’ Residency Program (ARP) oversees and manages the creative productions and processes of the Guang Ming College campuses (Tagaytay, Manila, and Cebu), in collaboration with GMC offices, including the Office of Student Affairs and International Mobility and the Office of the Academic Affairs. ARP, headed by National Artist Alice Reyes as the Artistic Director, is a team of artists-in-residence that designs programs for students to have intensive and integrated mentorship of the knowledge and skills needed for contemplative creativity, including artistic performance, repertory process, scripting and choreography, staging and theatre design, musicianship, management and entrepreneurship.
Liberal Arts and Life Education

Besides specialized subjects in their chosen majors, all students take liberal arts subjects, a time-tested core of education that is based on the concept of education for freedom (from the Latin liberalis, free and ars, the arts), preparing our students to become productive citizens.
We also have a wide range of elective and minors based on Life Education, allowing students opportunities to cross disciplinary boundaries such as in the case of Sports Science majors participating in the Dance and Theater programs, and performing arts students taking up gymnastics with the Sports programs.
Subjects currently offered as Life Education


Cultural Heritage

Emergency Responder

Plant-based Foundations (in partnership with Center for Culinary Arts)

Mindfulness for Compassion and Well-being (in partnership with Friendly Care Foundation)